Monday, May 24, 2010


What a wonderful day, following a great weekend. the weather is sunny and hot, the air inside is nicely cool...better than my bedroom last night. It was sweltering. David just sleeps through. I toss and turn, and throw the leg out and under, gingerly, now, with my bad knee. Got up at one am and read some more in my book. I am truly enjoying a reread of the Dragonriders of Pern series: currently the Harper Hall of Pern.

No sewing this weekend, no painting. Was some gardening, which is a little like both. Painting tomatoes into a row, sewing them into the earth, bordering them with mulch...we have tomatoes, summer squash, broccoli brussell sprouts, lettuce and spinach growing, about half through the asparagus cutting season, same with rhubarb, and I haven't cut any! New lettuce and spinach and broccoli seedlings up, peas vining nicely.  Bean poles placed, don't know if DH got the seeds in or not. Oh...and potatoes are all in. My dahlia bulbs have recovered from their little icy nip, thank goodness.  This time of year, the garden changes daily. Tonight we fertilize. Should have been doing that with seedlings all along, I guess. I have many many extra tomato plants, but they are only four inches tall or so. Mostly heirloom.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Well...the news I've been dreading has come...I am "ready" for a full knee replacement. but at 59...I am not going there, yet. Will work with my doctor on interim treatment, and exercise.
Wish my doctor wasn't an hour and a half away
Wish my other knee and both shoulders weren't equally arthritic... is good. I have so many blessings: a good job I enjoy, and that, in my humble opinion, makes a difference in the world, a wonderful husband and children...and grandchildren, a loving relationship with my God and savior; I live in a wonderful small town, with nice neighbors and lots of community activities, I have good friends, and hobbies that keep me sane. Life is good...and don't forget it.

It is HARD to visit the city for doctor appointments and church meetings...and not get to shop! that is one thing I miss, living in a small town. 45 minutes to my favorite LSQ (local quilt shop), Material Rewards, I am even farther from good art supply stores...but the internet is here, and I make good use of it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Music Makes the world go round..>MY world could we live without it? and doesn't the car make a beautiful listening studio? I love my Sirius radio, and the variety of music and other programming I can access, depending on my mood. Today the song that started my work day off...and still lingers in my mind was Leon Russell, A Song for You. Wow. One of my regrets in life is that I have not been gifted with a voice like my sister Carol has. I can hold a tune, sing well enough, and really feel and understand music in my soul...but to be able to belt it out...just carry that last note....curl the music around, I can't do it. Just step up and down the musical steps...properly, I know, but without the artistry of a real musician. But we don't choose the gifts God favors us with, and it is not my place to question God. All right, I do it all the time, don't you?

Now Bob Dylan: there is the ultimate musician in my mind. Not that his voice is wonderful these days...but the songs. I also recently heard his Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues: the song Ed Sullivan would not permit him to sing on his tv show in the early sixties. Laugh out loud!

Once started a list of all the concerts I have seen over the years. Now this is NOT a job to begin in your mid fifties...I regret not having a better handle on this, for the memories alone. What about you? Who do you WISH you could have seen?

Coming up concerts? Ray LaMontagne and others at a music festival at Hunter Mountain in the Catskills...together with Levon Helm and company at the Mountain Ramble in early June. While doing so, meeting up with good college friends who live in England, but have a summer cottage in the area. Life is good!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Welcome to my world! I am a wife, mom, grandmom, attorney, quilter, painter, gardener and United Methodist ... and sometimes I sleep. Life is good, despite the many trials I continue to experience. God is good, and I choose joy.

Friends are important, and together we quilt, paint, worship, and complain. Without friends, how would any of us survive parenthood? grandparenthood is easier, in some ways, but control. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we were in charge? Probably not...LOL.

I am nearly 60, and live with my wonderful husband David. We have been married for 38 years. Some longer than others. He loves me...most of the time. We have learned to compromise, and to give each other room for our own interests. We live in a small rural town in upstate New York, right in the middle of Main Street. What a combination of rural living and being downtown. Our little village is very active, and we are entering the busy season: which lasts approximately ten months or more of every year. I love living in town, but sometimes yearn for the opportunities of the city, and wish I had more time to spend with my sister in Rochester. She lives a very different life: just as busy, but different calls on her time. My youngest sister lives next door to me, which is a blessing. My parents are far away in Florida, and I miss them. Thank heavens for cell phones!